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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hell me! What’s going on!?~

I’m dead very soon without money! Hell! Seriously, I don’t understand what am I spending which makes me spend more than I earn. How am I going to clear all my debts, with my car insurance, road tax, installment, credit card and household bills which are reaching $10K and I’ll have to clear my end of the year?! I’m enjoying too much and I have got pay cut plus commission delayed! What’s all this????!!!!!!

Everything isn’t smooth at all! I’m down! Who are able to help? I can’t ask anything from any one including my family!

As for work, it’s suck! Not the colleague but the company and management plus the work load which will never stop and it’s getting heavier and heavier without any salary increasing. What the hell is happening to me!? AWWWW!!!

Lunch with Yvonne and his brother today! =) Fun of the day!

They are having their yummy durian and mango dessert.

Favourite pic of the day! Just some random shot and it's artistic =)